General Information about the Lunar Calendar for Today, September 06, 2024

Published: 5-9-2024
Check the lunar calendar for today, September 6; follow the lunar calendar today, Friday, September 6, 2024, in the fastest and most accurate way

General information about the lunar calendar today, September 6, 2024

Gregorian date: September 6, 2024.

Lunar date: August 4, 2024.

On this day: Ngoc Duong Hoang Dao (Auspicious Day).

In terms of the heavenly stems and earthly branches, today is a Quy Dau day, Quy Dau month, Giap Thin year, under the solar term of Xu Thu (Limit of Heat).

Day of Thoa Nhat (Minor Auspicious) – Quy Dau day – Yin Metal generates Yin Water: This is a moderately auspicious day (minor auspicious), with the earthly branch supporting the heavenly stem. On this day, work tends to go smoothly with few obstacles and a high chance of success. It is a good day to proceed with plans and projects.

Check the lunar calendar for today, September 6, 2024

Things to do and avoid on September 6, 2024

Things to do:
On this day, activities such as trading, grand openings, store openings, rituals, medical treatments, disputes, and legal matters will be favorable, bringing luck and a strong case for success.

Things to avoid:
Activities such as construction, house repairs, moving to a new house, laying roofs, groundbreaking, weddings, seeking wealth, funerals, and long-distance travel may face many obstacles, such as delays in transportation.

Departure today on the lunar calendar, September 6, 2024

Departure day:
Thien Tai (Heavenly Wealth): Suitable for departing, seeking wealth, and achieving success. Benefactors will support you, and everything will proceed smoothly.

Departure direction:
Travel southeast to meet the Joyful God and northwest to meet the Wealth God.


With just a few simple steps, you can quickly check the lunar calendar for today, September 6, 2024, including the lunar date, Gregorian date, auspicious hours, and things to do and avoid. Having this information will help you choose the right time for activities, ensuring that things run more efficiently and accurately.