Calendar 2024

Published: 22-8-2024

In the year 2024 is the Year of the Dragon. In Eastern mythology, the dragon symbolizes the yang force of the universe and represents royal authority. Dragons are believed to be present everywhere—underwater, on land, and in the sky. They are symbols of water and are considered auspicious for agriculture. People born in the Year of the Dragon are known for their honesty and enthusiasm but can also be quick-tempered and stubborn. They embody power, wealth, prosperity, and nobility.

Lunar Calendar Months for 2024

Lunar Calendar Festivals in 2024:

  • January 1: Lunar New Year (Tết Nguyên Đán)
  • January 15: Lantern Festival (Tết Nguyên Tiêu)
  • March 3: Cold Food Festival (Tết Hàn Thực)
  • March 10: Hung Kings Temple Festival (Giỗ Tổ Hùng Vương)
  • April 15: Buddha's Birthday (Lễ Phật Đản)
  • May 5: Double Fifth Festival (Tết Đoan Ngọ)
  • July 15: Vu Lan Festival (Lễ Vu Lan)
  • August 15: Mid-Autumn Festival (Tết Trung Thu)
  • September 9: Double Ninth Festival (Tết Trùng Cửu)
  • October 10: Tết Thường Tân
  • October 15: End of Autumn Festival (Tết Hạ Nguyên)
  • December 23: Farewell to the Kitchen Gods (Tiễn Táo Quân về trời)

Public Holidays in 2024:

  • January 1: New Year's Day
  • February 14: Valentine's Day
  • February 27: Vietnamese Physicians' Day
  • March 8: International Women's Day
  • March 26: Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union Day
  • April 1: April Fools' Day
  • April 30: Reunification Day (Ngày giải phóng miền Nam)
  • May 1: International Workers' Day
  • May 7: Dien Bien Phu Victory Day
  • May 13: Mother's Day
  • May 19: President Ho Chi Minh's Birthday
  • June 1: International Children's Day
  • June 17: Father's Day
  • June 21: Vietnamese Press Day
  • June 28: Vietnamese Family Day
  • July 11: World Population Day
  • July 27: War Invalids and Martyrs Day
  • July 28: Establishment of the Vietnam Trade Union
  • August 19: General Uprising Day
  • September 2: National Day
  • September 10: Vietnam Fatherland Front Day
  • October 1: International Day of Older Persons
  • October 10: Liberation Day of Hanoi
  • October 13: Vietnam Entrepreneurs' Day
  • October 20: Vietnamese Women's Day
  • October 31: Halloween
  • November 9: Vietnamese Law Day
  • November 20: Vietnamese Teachers' Day
  • November 23: Establishment of the Vietnam Red Cross
  • December 1: World AIDS Day
  • December 19: National Resistance Day
  • December 24: Christmas

Historical Events in 2024:

  • January 6, 1946: First General Election of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam
  • January 7, 1979: Victory in the Southwestern Border War
  • January 9, 1950: Vietnamese Students' Day
  • January 13, 1941: Đô Lương Uprising
  • January 11, 2007: Vietnam joined the World Trade Organization (WTO)
  • January 27, 1973: Paris Peace Accords
  • February 3, 1930: Founding of the Communist Party of Vietnam
  • February 8, 1941: Ho Chi Minh returns to Vietnam to lead the revolution
  • February 27, 1955: Vietnamese Physicians' Day
  • February 14: Valentine's Day
  • March 8, 1910: International Women's Day
  • March 11, 1945: Ba Tơ Uprising
  • March 18, 1979: Victory over Chinese Aggression on the Northern Border
  • March 26, 1931: Founding of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union
  • April 25, 1976: General Election for the National Assembly of Vietnam
  • April 30, 1975: Liberation of the South, Reunification of the Country
  • May 1, 1886: International Workers' Day
  • May 7, 1954: Dien Bien Phu Victory
  • May 9, 1945: Victory over Fascism
  • May 13: Mother's Day
  • May 15, 1941: Founding of the Ho Chi Minh Young Pioneer Organization
  • May 19, 1890: Birth of President Ho Chi Minh
  • May 19, 1941: Formation of the Viet Minh Front
  • June 1: International Children's Day
  • June 5, 1911: Nguyen Tat Thanh departs from Nha Rong Port to seek a path to save the country
  • June 17: Father's Day
  • June 21, 1925: Vietnamese Press Day
  • June 28, 2011: Vietnamese Family Day
  • July 2, 1976: The country changed its name from the Democratic Republic of Vietnam to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
  • July 17, 1966: Ho Chi Minh's call "Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom"
  • July 27: War Invalids and Martyrs Day
  • July 28: Establishment of the Vietnam Trade Union (1929) / Vietnam's accession to ASEAN (1995)
  • August 1, 1930: Tradition of Party’s Ideology and Cultural Work
  • August 19, 1945: August Revolution (Public Security Day)
  • August 20, 1888: Birth of President Ton Duc Thang
  • September 2: National Day (1945) / President Ho Chi Minh’s Death (1969)
  • September 10, 1955: Founding of the Vietnam Fatherland Front
  • September 12, 1930: Soviet Nghệ Tĩnh
  • September 20, 1977: Vietnam becomes a member of the United Nations
  • September 23, 1945: Southern Resistance
  • September 27, 1940: Bac Son Uprising
  • October 1, 1991: International Day of Older Persons
  • October 10, 1954: Liberation of Hanoi
  • October 14, 1930: Vietnam Farmers' Day
  • October 15, 1956: Vietnam Youth Union Day
  • October 20, 1930: Founding of the Vietnam Women's Union
  • November 20: Vietnamese Teachers' Day
  • November 23, 1940: Southern Uprising
  • November 23, 1946: Establishment of the Vietnam Red Cross
  • December 1: World AIDS Day
  • December 19, 1946: National Resistance Day
  • December 22, 1944: Founding of the Vietnam People's Army

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