General Information about the Lunar Calendar for Today, August 27, 2024

Published: 26-8-2024

To check the lunar calendar for today, August 27, 2024, and follow the most accurate and timely information

General information about the lunar calendar for today, August 27, 2024

Gregorian Date: August 27, 2024.

Lunar Date: July 24, 2024.

Lunar Day: Câu Trận Hắc Đạo.

According to the heavenly stems and earthly branches, today is the day of Quý Hợi, in the month of Nhâm Thân, year of Giáp Thìn, within the period of Xử Thử.

The Five Elements Day (Minor Inauspicious) - Quý Hợi Day - Water Element Extreme: This is a day of clashes between the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches, which is not favorable for major undertakings.


Activities to Do and Avoid on August 27, 2024

Activities to Do:

On this day, disputes, lawsuits, rituals, and medical treatments are likely to be fortunate, smooth, and reasonable.

Activities to Avoid:

Activities such as construction, laying foundations, groundbreaking ceremonies, moving to a new house, roofing, home repairs, opening a shop, starting a business, grand openings, traveling, marriage, seeking wealth, burial, and funerals are prone to obstacles like delays in transportation.

Lunar Calendar Travel Advice for August 27, 2024

Travel Advice:

Traveling today may encounter issues such as delays in transportation, unsuccessful wealth pursuits, and losses along the way.

Travel Directions:

Traveling towards the Southeast will bring the Blessing God, and traveling towards the Northwest will bring the Wealth God.