General Information about the Lunar Calendar for Today, August 24, 2024

Published: 23-8-2024

Lunar Calendar Date for Today, Saturday, August 24, 2024

To quickly and accurately check the lunar calendar for today, August 24, 2024:

  • Gregorian Date: August 24, 2024
  • Lunar Date: July 21, 2024
  • Day: Geng Shen (Metal Monkey)
  • Month: Ren Shen (Water Monkey)
  • Year: Jia Chen (Wood Dragon)
  • Solar Term: Summer Heat

You can access the lunar calendar information for today to find out the auspicious times and activities recommended or to be avoided. This helps in planning activities effectively and accurately.

General Information about the Lunar Calendar for Today, August 24, 2024

Gregorian Date: August 24, 2024

Lunar Date: July 21, 2024

Celestial Stem and Terrestrial Branch: Today is the day of Geng Shen (Metal Monkey), in the month of Ren Shen (Water Monkey), and the year of Jia Chen (Wood Dragon) during the period of the "Summer Heat" solar term.

Day of Wu Li Ri (Minor Misfortune) - Geng Shen Day - Co-acting Yin Earth: This is a day where the Celestial Stem and Terrestrial Branch are in alignment, which is not favorable for major undertakings.

Lunar Calendar for Today, August 24, 2024

Things to Do and Avoid on August 24, 2024

Recommended Activities:

On this day, activities such as repairing roofs, performing ceremonies, treating illnesses, legal disputes, and resolving conflicts will be favorable and successful.

Activities to Avoid:

Activities such as breaking ground, construction, moving into a new home, home repairs, opening shops or businesses, grand openings, seeking wealth, traveling long distances, weddings, and funerals may face many obstacles, such as delays in transportation.

Auspicious and Inauspicious Stars on August 24, 2024

Auspicious Stars:

  • Ming Xing: Good for all activities, though the benefit is reduced because it coincides with the Tian Lao (Heavenly Labor) day.
  • Man De Xing: Good for all activities.
  • Fu Hou: Good for seeking wealth and grand openings.
  • Tian Gui: Good for all activities.
  • Tian Xie: Best for ceremonies, resolving grievances, but avoid breaking ground.

Inauspicious Stars:

  • Tu Fu: Avoid construction and breaking ground.
  • Liu Bu Cheng: Bad for construction.
  • Chong Tang: Avoid weddings, funerals, and starting construction projects.
  • Yang Zhao: Avoid travel, weddings, and funerals.
  • Chi Kou: Avoid weddings, transactions, and banquets.


Avoid conducting activities related to seeking wealth during the hours of Mao (11 AM - 1 PM) and Zi (11 PM - 1 AM) to prevent difficulties and disputes. Exercise caution when traveling south to ensure safety and avoid unnecessary risks.

Travel Information for August 24, 2024

Travel Outcome:

  • Golden Path: Travel is favorable, with the chance to meet helpful individuals, smooth financial prospects, and successful endeavors.

Direction for Travel:

  • Travel towards the northwest to welcome the Happiness Deity and towards the southwest to attract the Wealth Deity.

You can easily look up the lunar calendar for today, August 24, 2024, with detailed information such as lunar date, Gregorian date, auspicious times, and recommended activities. Being aware of this information will help you choose the right time for your activities effectively and accurately.